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LGA Gospel Celebration

This is our flagship weekly family celebration. LGA Gospel Celebration is hosted at the Grace Life Centre on Sundays from 10.30am (Irish time).
Join us for this uplifting multi-activity celebration featuring:
  • Drawing Near (a time of prayer and reflection)

Prayer is a key and integral part of the LGA vision. 'Drawing Near' is a time for prayer and reflection in line with Jesus Christ's instruction in Luke 18:1 “to pray always and not to faint”. 


  • Life by the Word (our interactive Bible and life application study)


  • Scripture of the Week (scripture reflections to inspire you)


  • LGA SHaRP (joyful celebration in song and music) 


  • LGA SaLT (inspired and encouraging lessons from the scriptures)


  • Come to the Table (a celebration of the Lord’s Communion).



Throne Room Live

The LGA family comes together at this time to pray

(Hebrew 4:16).

Join us from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Fridays.



LGA Kidz Celebration

LGA JOY Club is our Christ-centred faith and fun activity club for children. LGA JOY Club is facilitated by a group of passionate, dedicated and  trained volunteers.


The LGA Kidz Celebration is our faith-based celebration and fun-filled ministry for children equipping them with relevant life skills and tools to allow them grow in God’s amazing grace and goodness in Christ Jesus.


The children also get weekly take-home activities to encourage them to constantly engage and grow in the knowledge of the word of God in a fun and nurturing way (Matthew 19:14, Psalm. 127:3-5, Proverbs 22:6).


LGA Kidz Celebrations are held on Sundays.

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